The Importance of Skill Development: What are the skills required to shape the career for students?
Skill Development

In today’s time, the major issue that the workforce faces is the skill gap. Due to persistent issues, many industrialists are looking to implement development strategies. Upskilling is one such strategy.

However, with the increase in the skill gap, people nowadays are looking forward to focusing on reskilling students from a young age to bridge the increasing skill gap.

Realizing the immense opportunities it holds, within this article, we will be exploring the intricacies of developing skills that can help students pave their way:

What is reskilling and why is it important? 

Reskilling means gaining a new set of skills that is different from the current path but still aligns with your interests. Evidently, in times like today, technological advancement is the biggest reason to upskill oneself. For example, the advent of AI in recent times makes it necessary for students to learn how to use it. This is due to the prospects of AI undertaking every sector of the economy.

This is just one such example. The need for reskilling is urgent, which is noticeable with the growing demand for skilled employees. The job market is expanding, with job applications too. However, only those applications stand out that possess valuable skills. Further down, are mentioned a few points on why having a skill is important:

Importance of acquiring skills

  1. Adaptation to changes: In this world of globalization, a person is much more adept at adapting to new changes that are made in this fast-paced world. For example, a person who knows the programming of AI in today’s time will be hired rather than one who doesn’t. Students who are going with trends by learning them have a higher chance to work better in future environments because of their ability to adapt and adjust easily.
  2. Personal Development: Reskilling accelerates the personal growth of a person. A student who is learning a new skill fosters values of adaptability, improvement, growth, reflection, and adjustment. It boosts confidence and productivity, which positively impacts the well-being of the person.
  3. Enhances Employability: A student having a high standard of skill makes them attractive to employers. A new skill learned today has the potential to stand out during the hiring process. Also, it helps in fulfilling the needs of the employers by hiring one such candidate who is proficient in more than one skill.

6 must-have skills a student must learn

Now that we have focused on the importance of skill development, it is also necessary to know which skill a student must have before they pave their journey to career exploration and development.

There are two types of skills: hard skills and soft skills. Hard skills are those skills that are gained and learned through specific training or education. Soft skills are those that are more intrinsic and refer to the personality traits of a person. Within the information mentioned below, we will explore both skill sets to acquire.

Here are the six most preferred hard skills to have for career development:

  1. Writing Skills: The first and foremost thing is to improve writing skills, as it is not only going to help students in career development but also in academic aspects. Learning how to write structured content as per the demands of the situation can prove to be helpful. Moreover, this skill can prove to also aid one during presentations, sales pitches, etc. Moreover, what could be better than being a writer for your startup if you want to become an entrepreneur! 
  2. Basic Computer Skills: This included having at least a basic knowledge of the functions and workings of computers. Students these days are buying courses that can help them learn the functionalities of computers. General computer skills, if learned, can also be added to the resume. Computers are a tool that is used in every sector, which is why it is crucial to learn them as soon as one can.
  3. Marketing Skills: Marketing is the bedrock of any organization or firm. As globalization increases,  marketing is becoming vital too. As a student, you can end up having a good internship or joining a marketing course that can polish your marketing skills.
  4. Presentation skills: This skill is a must-have in any sector. That’s why, if learned earlier, a student can do wonders in their professional life too. Presentation skills encompass adequate knowledge of ethics and ways to deliver a presentation, making and analyzing it with good research skills.
  5. General management skills: Having a basic management skill can help students not only in managing their academic life but also in life at work. This includes skills in budgeting, negotiating, planning, etc. These skills are common but important to have acumen for. These skills can help in all spheres of life for a student.
  6. Designing skills: A basic knowledge of design can help a student in the long run. Knowing how to operate and design tools and software can prove to be a valuable skill to have in the workplace.

One such city, Jaipur, has various colleges, classes, and institutions that teach not only traditional but graphic forms of design as well.

Some important soft skills to have are:

  • Communication
  • Time Management
  • Leadership
  • Creative Thinking
  • Critical Thinking
  • Adaptability
  • TeamWork
  • Emotional Intelligence
  • Problem-solving
  • Active Listening

A journey to foster the future

This might be the end of this article, but the journey to foster the future starts here. To highlight the skills in a resume, it is necessary to acquire those skills in real life too. Thus, within this article, we have comprehensively explained the role of acquiring skills in career development. If you are the one who is seeking more such guidance, reach out to us or any other career counselors who can help you pave your way for growth, productivity, and development.
