How Career Counselling Helps Students In The Time Of Covid-19

The covid-19 pandemic has brought havoc to all areas of life. The unemployment rate increased and, the economy took a big step back. Many people went out of business. Employees experienced salary cuts and layoffs. The disruption and maelstrom of covid-19 have affected student’s the hardest. Though the burgeoning modern technology presented an alternate way of learning, nothing was the same. It has distorted children’s mental health and has left their careers in a predicament. Career counselling is imperative more than ever, as we can’t shun the unfortunate consequences of covid-19. It was difficult for students to have faith in themselves, confined in quarters of a home. Social distancing and other covid-19 measures have made in-person counseling a challenging prospect. We shall look at the difficulties of students first:

● Students mental health suffered due to a lack of social contact. We all understand cause we also missed social gatherings during the lockdown. However, students were used to their daily routine of school and tuition. Unlike adults, students find it harder to cope with such unusual changes if we understand now that mental health is the priority.

● Young children or students from Hindi medium found it hard to understand online classes. Even many teachers had difficulty in understanding modern technology and its devices. In turn, students’ studies got affected. Many Hindi medium students have capabilities but have lost the platform to showcase them.

● They couldn’t concentrate properly on their studies. Many students were unable to attend online lectures due to financial issues. Many did not have network facilities in their area. Some students even had to quit school because their parents lost their jobs. All this, because of the covid-19 pandemic.

We could go on and on about the bleak effects of the coronavirus. However, there are many ways we can overcome these difficulties and find solutions to such problems. The concern of students’ careers is handled better by a professional counselor. Now that we are clear about the challenges of students, we should look at the positive aspects of career counseling:

Appropriate career counseling:

Career counseling is a gradual but practical procedure. Parents need to understand that career counseling is not magic but a process. They should not just take their child to the first counselor they find. They should go to the best in this field. Many schools even have eligible career counsellor. You can ask the school to arrange a workshop for 12th class students. An organized event is better for students.

Career counseling is the best option:

Students at this age are pliable, so professional help can help them direct their passion in the right direction. They get easily influenced by mobile phones, friends, and much more. They make impulsive decisions based on their lack of knowledge. Sometimes, parents are the ones in need of a lecture. If you are a student with an unconventional dream, try taking your parents for a career counseling session. A professional can change their mind and give you a better perspective of that field.

Clarity of mind:

In the earlier times, when people had limited choices, the advice of relatives and friends was enough to make up one’s mind. Nowadays, there are thousands of career opportunities and, mediocre advice is insufficient. A skilled career counselor can help you better understand your prospects and abilities. They can also show you the best use of them.

Choose an appropriate counselor:

In addition, to help you choose your goal counselors, also tell you how to achieve it. It is common for students to get overwhelmed by the pressure of making an important decision. A career decision is one of the most significant decisions of one’s life. Counselors know how to make that inner turmoil stop. They can guide you to the light of decisions.

Online counseling:

Nowadays, counseling is available in the comfort of your home. Students can access counseling through online sessions. There are many free sessions and workshops available too. You can even book free workshops that transpire in many social events. You can search for famous career counselors and follow their social media for sessions’ information.

Online counselling is also better if you want to attend more sessions at once. It saves your time and transportation cost. You can also follow international workshops this way. You only require a good internet connection to gain the benefits of online counseling.

Go for the best results:

A student can also take various online psychometric tests, which help students understand themselves. These tests help you analyze your interests and capabilities. A counselor analyses these test results in a better way. They will tell you your strengths and weakness. You can also discuss your budget for higher studies with them. Many counselors know about different scholarships and can help you get into your dream college. You may have a small budget but, with talent, you can achieve your dreams.

Counselors can spot your interest:

Last but not least, counseling also reduces your mental stress. It will help you shift your focus on more crucial issues like your aim rather than your options. The counselor will also help you in small matters like time management. They can help you create a schedule you will stick with determination. Sometimes, it is students’ tardiness that initiates indecision.

Counselors can spot your interest and make you work towards it. When a student works on his interest, he is more dedicated. Parents should take children to a counselor for children’s welfare and future.


Now we know the problems students faced during the covid-19 lockdown. The article also throws some light on the importance of career counseling in helping a student overcome these problems. Students need to focus on the solutions counseling has to offer. The best way one can know is by experiencing it. So, students should give career counselling a try. However, the above discussion suggests only positive aspects of career counseling. It is adequate for both parents and students. It can make parents understand the new generations’ perspective. In a nutshell, try career counseling to make the best out of your career.
